catalyzing ripples
2023 Narrative Predictions
Last year ReFrame launched our inaugural Through the Looking Glass: 2022 Narrative Predictions report, forecasting narrative battles that would shape 2022's significant conversations, stories, and messages. We explored narrative trends surrounding democracy, the economy, law and order, and culture. Through the course of 2022, these narratives shaped common sense of the January 6th commission hearings, the role of LGBTQIA+ people in public life, Beyoncé singing "you won't break my soul," stories about quiet quitting, the Great Resignation, and so much more. As we take stock of the narrative landscape, mapping the similarities and differences from last year, anticipating what will transform, ebb and flow, we remember that narratives have long and enduring lives.
In 2023, we will feel the ripple effect of narratives from 2022 as they wash into the new year, impacting the conversations and stories in the year ahead that shape 2023, but their flavor has changed. This year's report, Catalyzing Ripples: 2023 Narrative Predictions, displays the perpetual narrative contests present across political, economic, and cultural life in the United States that grapple with ideas and values about identity and institutions, polarity and possibility, and, ultimately, point to the multiverse in which narratives operate. We explore the tension between narratives about American identity and personal identity, the ongoing erosion of trust in institutions and a lack of certainty about the future, narratives about precarity and safety, and the type of experiences we are dreaming about in our communities and our lives. If 2022 was the year to envision our collective future, 2023 could be the year we put those dreams into action.
Dynamic data visualization in this year's report represents the volume of conversations over time and is a critical tool in our narrative analysis. You can read more about how to interact with these visuals and their data sources on our methodology page. Please let us know if you have questions, feedback, or thoughts on this report.
Our communities do pivotal work to shape the narrative arena, continuing to contend for space and joyfully capturing opportunities before us. Our predictions and insights will guide you in building narrative power in service of liberation and justice as we all navigate the ripple effects of the year ahead. Sign up here if you want to follow along this year for more narrative research and updates on our predictions, upcoming training, and strategy forums.
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the predictions


Signals is a visionary project fueled by wit, imagination, fortitude, and caffeine. We ingest, digest, and dissect social, cultural, and political conversations of the moment and across time and space. We use the hard skills of grassroots organizing and strategic communications, the thinking of designers and futurists, the technology of big listening, and the wisdom of our ancestors. Signals is brought to you by ReFrame.
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